Our Business partners

Mag. Irene Staringer
Clinical and health psychologist
Training in body oriented psychotherapy

Eva Sator Consulting
Process support, change management,
Development of teams and managers

nomadespirit- Susanna Urlich
Business consultant, cross cultural expertise

Greimel Management
Business Consulting

Evelyne Sacher
Grafik & Design

Ursula Arztmann – innovation factory
Visual communication

Academia de Formação

Event partners

Hotel Refugium Hochstrass

Seminarhotel Höhldrichsmühle

Das Seminar- & Eventhotel Krainerhütte

Spanische Hofreitschule/Gestüt Piber

Surfguesthouse Casa do Paco D’Ilhas
cosy and beautiful Bed & Breakfast in the near of Ericeira/Portugal