Prokschconsult offers customized leadership workshops and leadership development programs for all management levels. Our leadership work is based on three pillars: Me as a person, Me in the team and Me as a professional!
When designing workshops and development programs (especially in the area of soft skills) we try to address as many learning channels as possible and to reach the participants emotionally. The emotional involvement supports the motivation to change and develop. Through action- and experience-oriented situations in the modules and subsequent processing (analysis, reflection, information) contents and key aspects become very understandable and can be discussed in very concrete ways. The clarity is thereby increased.
“Become a reflected and mature person, then you will be a better leader!”
The aim is to develop people at different levels so that they can act confidently in their role as a leader and build up leadership competence. A leader is sovereign and professional when he or she skillfully combines goal- and relationship-oriented leadership and stays authentic in doing so.