Horses support us to build up, train and improve diversity competencies
The goal of diversity management is the ideal use of diversity and differences in teams for the success of business enterprises, organizations and associations.
…. that when people with different talents, with different abilities and with different knowledge work together, something great can be achieved …….” ( Prof. Dr. Gerald Hüther, neurobiologist and brain researcher, SWR1 Leute, October 15, 2017)
Diversity management, a diverse corporate culture or a diverse team spirit is the focus for many of our customers in the coming years. We have therefore developed a program with horses to train the skills and competencies that support a person to think and act diversely. Working with horses reflects diverse qualities one hundred percent. A horse is a living being of a completely different kind and is very different from a human being. Nevertheless, great successes and achievements can be achieved together. The teamwork succeeds the more easily, the more stronger divers competencies are developed in a person. The development of these abilities is a continuous process and requires the motivation for self-reflection.
But what concrete skills and behaviors support diverse thinking and action?
- Dealing with/evaluating perceptions
- Awareness of one’s own identity
- Empathic communication
- Tolerance of ambiguity
We can visualize and train all these skills with horses! The exercises in the horse practise take place exclusively on the ground. Riding skills are not required.
We plan an impulse event in summer with the focus on “Diversity training with horses”. The date will be announced soon. If you are interested to take part in this event or to organize a diversity training for your organisation, please contact us.